What is a
session like?
Integrative Coaching is NOT psychotherapy
Each meeting is centered around a particular area or situation that may benefit from more insight. Those experiences which may be causing conflict with oneself, in relationship, physical symptoms, or habitual patterns. Remember, this approach is non pathologizing. We spend time getting to know your inner ecosystem and all of the parts that may be driving your decisions and your physiologic patterns. This compassionate and curious relational approach acknowledges that all parts of us are welcome, though some parts may be carrying burdens which are outdated and perhaps over dominating. With this compassionate witnessing and possible identifications of polarizations or outdated belief patterns, the self healing system is then able to rebalance and restore
Who would benefit from Integrative Coaching?
Anyone who is interested in self inquiry and understanding themselves more deeply in relation to the greater whole
Individuals who may be experiencing physical issues, emotional or belief patterns that are interfering with who and how they want to be in the world
Integrative Coaching
1:1 sessions are centered on a curious exploration and identification of patterns within the body and mind -patterns that are often reflected through the physical body, lifestyle choices, core belief patterns, and stuck emotions. This approach recognizes that the mind and the body are not separate and what the physical form is experiencing and expressing is directly influenced and informed by the inner world or what can be called the ‘inner ecosystem’
Integrative coaching explores beliefs, values, emotions, habits, and perceptions through a non-pathologizing lens
All parts of our being are welcomed! The integrative healing process is about inclusion of that which was once excluded or unavailable through attunement, co-regulation, and self regulation practices
It builds on the assumption that Self energy has its own innate wisdom and the resources necessary to rebalance and restore health and well being. Integrative coaching gently guides the participant in connecting with what is happening now to patterns from the past-those from personal experience, ancestral, or cultural burdens. In revealing and identifying these patterns, missing experiences then have an opportunity to be reclaimed, and unfelt emotions to be expressed. Belief patterns and habits then can be altered and updated
This approach draws from a wide range of methodologies, with a strong emphasis on the techniques based in Internal Family Systems (IFS) and Hakomi therapy. The therapeutic focus relies on the power of embodied self healing, relational connection, and compassionate witnessing
Special attention to the whole person is emphasized, exploring all aspects of the client’s experience, including bodily sensations, tensions, traumas, perceptions, emotions, beliefs and habits. An Integrative coaching session provides a space to improve self-awareness and self compassion through the relational aspects of reflective listening and curious compassionate exploration with another
An emphasis on embodied lifestyle integration with habitual change is emphasized as a way to solidify new patterns and habits, which supports the full embodiment of ones values, intentions, and gifts
Kelly’s integrative coaching practice
is currently full and she is
not accepting new clients