Registration is currently closed
Registration is currently closed
This is a group of like minded therapists and individuals who are interested in prioritizing authentic connection in community. No previous attendance in Tensegrity Medicine courses are necessary, just a sincere desire to practice relational attunement, embodied listening, and open vulnerability. Learn how to connect with yourself and others through creative embodied practices which can be helpful in your personal life as well as in your clinic settings
Who is this subscription based
community group for?
Are you finding yourself yearning for a like minded community where you can experience more authentic connection?
Are you wanting to bring more embodied relational tools into your manual therapy or movement sessions?
Are you wanting to connect with yourself and others in a more embodied way?
Are you wanting to practice and experience more relational embodied listening in your personal and professional life?
Are you wanting to learn creative and embodied experiential practices for yourself and your clients?
This ongoing community group has been created because of my observations and experiences of teaching courses related to anatomy, manual therapy, and bodymind dialoguing to movement and manual therapists around the world
What I have come to recognize is that it is less important which ‘tool’ we use- (which manual therapy technique we apply), how much relational anatomy we understand, but instead, to help our clients get to the root causes of adaptive patterns. This is best arrived at when we can compassionately know and embody our own bodymind
Questions that I have asked myself along the way:
How can we learn to become more aware of and be with our own parts and patterns, and those of our clients, in order to facilitate real transformational change?
What are the commonly held belief systems which get in the way of us living into the full life that we want for ourselves and our clients?
How can we facilitate true safe connection by implementing transformational bodymind practices within our treatment settings?
This is a place
for us to come together
to playfully explore these questions
By participating in practices which help us authentically attune to ourselves and others, we can gain skills that can be used in our own self care practices and within our treatment settings
This can be a place for us to share ourselves and our own journey, within a safe community, while we model and practice relational connection
This is also a place where we get to play with all types of intelligent knowing
We will explore various practices involving the body and our creativity, as a way to better know and embody our internal ecosystem. We will do this through experiential exercises involving intuitive movement, IFS demonstrations, sculpting, creative art practices (no skills required here), music, play, and journaling
In addition, there will be didactic learning, where we will continue to explore the latest science and the clinical implementation of Tensegrity Medicine principles
Here is what you can expect
Explore, in greater detail, Tensegrity Medicine principles and how they apply to yourself and your clients in everyday living
Participate in experiential processes involving movement, writing, art, and dynamic play, in order to better understand the internal ecosystem
Learn how to receive and offer authentic embodied listening
Explore novel entry points of Tensegrity Medicine interventions, gaining practical clinical tools and lifestyle habits for yourself and your clients
Become more aware of legacy burdens and how this history impacts our perception of the present moment
Learn to befriend your own patterns and parts which cover your essential nature
Expand practical skills to assist your clients in being with their own patterns and parts
Practice bringing Self led energy into relationship with yourself and your personal and professional relationships
Explore the practice of listening without wanting to fix, give advise, or being stuck in your own thinking mind
Practice noticing where and what can easily flow in your own system and where resistance lies
Practice trusting yourself and others in relationship
Be part of a community interested in transformational growth
The skills that we will be exploring with each other are ones which can help us ‘come home to ourselves’. They are also the skills that can invite transformational change within our clinical sessions, as well as within our relationships as a whole
Come feel and experience the power of relational
healing in a like minded community!